Sunday, July 17, 2011

The *D* look.

We are facing hotness these days, and to look hot as well you have got to update yourself with the latest designs in whatever you are wearing, Summers is a season of colors and to make it like you won't get angry on it you can use bright colored denims with long or short shirts, those who are not allowed to wear short ones can opt for a bit longer ones.Denims don't mean you have to wear the flapper ones , NO WAY! they are all outdated now. Go for the tights with some funkasia shirts or design your own, wear bangles tie your hair up. High pony would give you something really good.
   Now as your beautiful feet are concerned, consider buying kaulapuri chapals from anywhere, because you don't seriously have to go for the brand, thing just buy it from a khookha or a phata ;). I am pretty sure now you know what's the D look its the depikas look in love aaj kal, she looks gorgeous and you will too enjoy summers in this sorta look, and don't go for expensive things rather go for something that looks nice on you and trendy as well. :)



1 comment:

  1. Maheen,

    Good advice. But how about some photographs to back it up?

    Take care

    PS : Left comments on all pending posts.
